Welcome to South Windsor Boys Lacrosse

Welcome to South Windsor Boys Lacrosse's new website powered by Crossbar! Before you register your child(ren) up for any event, you'll need to sign up for a parent account on this new South Windsor Boys Lacrosse web site. This will give you access to registration, team email and communications, calendar info, etc. Use the link(s) at the top left (on mobile it will be top right).

How to Create a Parent account

  1. Click Sign Up
  2. Enter your email address and password
  3. A verification email will be sent to activate the Crossbar account
  4. Click on the link within the verification email
  5. Enter your name and phone number to complete the account profile
  6. Save

Spring Registration

17 Jan

Registration for the 2025 Season is OPEN


5 Dec

Welcome to South Windsor Boys Lacrosse

South Windsor Boys Lacrosse is dedicated to empowering young athletes on and off the field through competitive spirit, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Our program is committed to fostering both personal and athletic growth. We strive to instill values that extend beyond the field, shaping resilient individuals who embrace challenges and embody the true essence of teamwork.

Competitive Spirit: Encouraging players to push their limits and strive for excellence by nurturing a passion for the game while promoting a healthy approach to competition that fuels motivation.

Teamwork: Promoting a collaborative and cooperative mindset that allows each member of the team to feel valued and understand how their role contributes to the team’s overall success.

Sportsmanship: Competing with a sense of fairness and respect for teammates, opponents, and officials, with a positive attitude that conveys integrity and cooperation both on and off the field.

Resilience: Developing mental fortitude to challenge themselves and strive for excellence.

23 Oct

Winter Opportunities

We hope the fall and school year are off to an awesome start. SWBL will not be setting up any teams on our own over the winter, but we wanted to share some great opportunities for clinics and games in the area. You can sign up for any of these as a "free agent" based on what works best for your schedule!

2Way North Sixes - Friday Evening Youth at the Day Hill Dome in Windsor beginning 12/6. https://www.2waylacrosse.com/2w-north/sixes

CT Valley Winter Academy - Saturday Evenings at the Farmington Sports Arena in Farmington beginning 12/14. https://www.oasyssports.com/ConnecticutValleyLacrosse/global-login.cfm

New England Lacrosse Academy - Wednesday Evening Skills, Friday Evening Youth Games, Sunday Afternoon HS Games at Sports World in East Windsor beginning 11/17 for HS and 12/4 for Youth. South Windsor families receive a 15% discount by using the code 15SW http://www.nelaxacademy.com/leagues/lacrosse/4325096-nela-winter-session-1-2024

Top Tier Lacrosse Winter Foundations - Tuesday Evenings at the Day Hill Dome in Windsor beginning 12/3. South Windsor families receive a 15% discount if they register before 10/31 by using the code SOUTHWINDSOR https://www.toptierlacrosse.org/program/top-tier-winter-foundations/14839

Keep your eyes peeled next month for information and registration info on the 2025 Spring Season!

SW Boys Lax BOD

10 Jun

CVYL Champions!

Congrats to Senior Maroon on their dominant 10-1 CVYL Championship win vs. Middletown

5 Jun

Summer Camps and Club Team Tryouts

Sad that the season is ending? Wondering what's next? Check out the list of camps, clinics and club team tryouts for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 under our Resource tab or by clicking HERE

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